Are you a square peg in a round hole?
Have you ever felt like you didn’t really belong? Maybe in a job, a relationship, or a friendship group. Does that feel familiar? The not fitting in - the constant worry and anxiety of what people think of you?
Human nature is to want to “fit in”, so we feel safe.
Makes sense eh?! Yep. I’ll do as I need to to be accepted. We learn this from an early age. We learn what is ‘appropriate’ and ‘good’ behaviour, thoughts, dreams or personal expression.
This often leads us to only show the parts of ourselves that society or our family and friends feel is ‘ok’.
It leads to you making yourself smaller. So over time, maybe we forget who we really are.
What we really love.
What makes us feel alive.
We end up being really good at squeezing ourselves into being someone or something that just isn’t right or easy for us - the feelings of safety turn to anxiety and frustration. And we don’t know why. Much of this happens at a subconscious level.
We cut of our ‘edges’ - we mould ourselves to fit into the standard vision of an acceptable human.
So what can we do? How can we reconnect to ourselves - choose to be in our full expression (rather than hiding away)
Mindfulness (getting to know yourself and your circumstances non-judgementally) can support you to notice where you may be “fitting in” when in fact “expanding out” would bring you freedom.
Freedom to be whoever you really, truly are...
......and by being yourself you’ll start to sleep better, be more engaged in your life, and attract other like-minded souls and experiences that make you light up. Now, that’s a good feeling!